what would be the best sofa for living/cinema room in the attic, above the kitchen? see pics. our options are attached too. maybe you have other suggestions?
Super nice place with lots of options! Since it’s meant to be a sofa for watching movies in, the only right option (in my opinion) would be something that allows for laying down (or at least allow you to put your feet up). I would look for extra deep couches, something with a chaiselong or matching foodrest.
I don’t have any specific sofa’s in mind, but a search on google on “flydersofa” or “dyb sofa” might help you out :)
I also think some color would suit the space well :) - maybe a colored sofa, or at least some colored pillows in a more “neutral” sofa. The space already have a lot of beautiful neutrals, so a colored sofa would really stand out (in a good way) - but that is something that very much comes down to personal preference :)
Of the two options you have given, I prefer the second one. The grey sofa is more of a conversational sit-up-straight sofa, whereas the second one looks a little more deep and comfortable (in my opinion). It also have a more interesting design, whereas the grey is very “safe” (you will find something like that in every furniture store). Maybe if you could get the second one in another color? Like a green, blue or yellow that would go nicely with the blue kitchen? Something in velour would look amazing up there :)
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