Roommate - Playfull Design

Roommate - Playfull Design

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Om os

Roommate draws on Scandinavian design traditions and retro charm with a distinctive graphic edge that makes every item firmly contemporary. Roommate is rooted in Denmark, where the two friends and designers Christine Schwarzer & Anne Birgitte Balle founded their studio back in 2006. The decision to start their own business sprang from a personal wish to have a playful approach to their everyday life. And what will be more playful than designing for children? A home with kids is a home full of life. Roommate is a children’s design brand. Within the Roommate collection, you will find products for the kid’s room but also products that easily can integrate in the rest of the home. The range includes beanbags, sitting pouffes, textiles, decorative objects, lighting, play tents, beddings, coat hangers etc... Since children invariably install themselves in every room of a house, Roommate's products are scaled and coloured with other household furniture in mind; so even though they're meant for kids, their charm and quickness sits well in a grown-up environment. We have always been focusing on using the best materials for our products and the environment. Our newest products are in 100% organic cotton (GOTS-certificated). Our design ideas come from everyday life and our children are a great inspiration to us. We design with our hearts and we truly love our job. We hope that our designs will bring lots of joy.


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Roommate - Playfull Design


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