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Om os

ZURFACE – The Danish expert within Natural stone solutions As the largest manufacturer and supplier of natural stones solutions in Denmark ZURFACE is the ideal sparring partner, when it comes to counselling, distribution and ensuring quality products for the business market. ZURFACE differentiate from other suppliers on the Danish market by our deep investment in the selection of raw material. ZURFACE operate our own production facilities in Denmark – and quarry the sought-after granite from Bornholm from our own quarries. Moreover, ZURFACE distribute and promote ZURFACE Natural Stone Solutions products from renowned foreign quarries and natural stone manufactures such as the English Burlington Stone, the Italian Vaselli and Basaltite – as the sole agent on the Scandinavian market. ZURFACE have both the experience and the necessary knowledge to ensure the optimal solution – regardless of what demands our customers may have. ZURFACE have accumulated this knowledge through the years, because we quarry granite on Bornholm, have sustainable productions at our own facilities in Denmark – and because ZURFACE have a yearlong experience with importing natural stones from almost every part of the world. We guarantee you the right prices and quality from our suppliers in, among others, China, Vietnam, India and Portugal.
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