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Om os

Fashion-post is a new digital lifestyle brand. We live in Denmark, our target group is Scandinavia and we cover the world. Fashion-post is a digital universe: A site, a calendar, a personal web shop, and a travel guide offering you personal advice and insider guides to all the best places to explore and shop. Fashion-post will be updated 24/7 by some of the most interesting fashion and beauty experts. FASHION-POST IN BULLET POINTS: 1. A personal and professional news driven universe about fashion, beauty and lifestyle – a combination of content and commerce. All brought to you by Fashion-post’s handpicked editorial staff consisting of the strongest and most interesting fashion and beauty experts right now. 2. A mix of user uploaded content, editorial content and commerce. Chosen by the user. 3. A calendar updated daily with a personal profile. Originally developed TV for digital platforms produced by Fashion-post’s professional production team and hosted by strong personalities. 4. A web shop with personally curated favorites – and nothing else. Also the possibility of a pop-up web shop hosted by a commercial partner for a limited amount of time.

Tilbudte tjenester:

A personal and professional news driven universe about fashion, beauty and lifestyle – a combination of content and commerce.


CVR-nummer: 36031646

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