3D Rendering i Hudson, NY.

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Udvalgte anmeldelser for 3D Rendering i Hudson, NY.

Crisp Architects
3D Rendering i Hudson, NY.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner9. januar 2012
“Working with Jimmy Crisp and his associates was a great and valuable learning experience that could not have turned out better than it did. Jimmy truly met, and in many instances, went beyond our expectations. The project, which was a complete gut renovation, went very smoothly and it did come in on budget with the exception of new items that were included after our original quote. Of course there were differences of opinions and long discussions about changes/desired outcomes and new costs, however, I would say that because of Jimmy's constant presence at the site, complete knowledge of exactly what was suppose to happen at all stages of the project and calm manner we escaped situations that could, at the time, have been less satisfactory. Jimmy, the associates and clerical employees of his firm are all a 10 in my book! My experience with Crisp Architects makes me believe that anyone seeking a great architect, backed by a most professional staff, could not do better than to choose Crisp Architects.”
Pamela Sandler Architect
3D Rendering i Hudson, NY.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner30. marts 2016
“We've use Pam for two major renovations and numerous small projects,ideas and general help situations. The first was a total renovation and when we had to fire the GC, Pam stepped in and completed the work. The second major work, a lessor renovation 20 years later, is near completion and she and her team has been great to work with. We find her responsive, resourceful, and creative where we needed creativity. This has been not only in the design phase but also in participating and managing the actual implementation of the design. We've recommended her to friends and acquaintances many times.”
Conklin Architecture PC
3D Rendering i Hudson, NY.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner13. februar 2017
“We have had the pleasure of working with Conklin Architecture many times now and look forward to working with them on many more projects. Conklin Architectures' attention to detail is second to none. They maintain the ability to seemlessly blend modern architecture with classic, timeless designs. With quick, attentive responses to any question that might arise, you would think your project is Conklin Architectures' main priority at any given time. Without hesitation, we would recommend Conklin Architecture to any client.”
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