Grønt byggeri i Hudson, NY.

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Udvalgte anmeldelser for Grønt byggeri i Hudson, NY.

Verdant Architecture
Grønt byggeri i Hudson, NY.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner27. april 2017
“We always look forward to working with Tim Wade on projects. He has the right balance of listening to a client's goals and suggesting creative design solutions to achieve them. Tim has been a strong member of the CRBRA Green Building Science Group which I co-chair. He brings critical design insight to this diverse group of green building professionals in our area. I recommend him without reservation to my clients looking for design services!”
Demetriades + Walker
Grønt byggeri i Hudson, NY.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner5. december 2013
“Our Project was an 1300-sf commercial addition to a summer camp/conference center 4 season dining room facility. It included open dining space, an additional egress, and an ADA bathroom. The interior blended in perfectly with the existing dining space and added new modern flare with large windows/views. We were able to seal the addition up tight with foam/fiberglass combo insulation and the large windows were triple pain solar heat absorbing windows to help control our winter heating costs. In the summer, very large/simple shades pull down to mitigate heat gain and some of the pains are operable to let out the hot interior air. The space is not air conditioned. They were excellent at reviewing our needs and coming up with an elegant approach to our project. much to our surprise, they even built a physical model. Its hard to say if it was worth the time to do the model, but it likely abated some questioning and delays on the part of our boards and review committees. They were very considerate of our needs and worked fairly with both us and the contractor. We did have some project challenges as the project bids the first time came in way over expected prices. A testament to their character and focus on delivering a successful/quality project, they performed design modifications (structural/location) and helped us rebid the project with successful results. The changes kept with the original design elegance/simplicity and brought the bids down to a very reasonable fee. We had three change orders on our project and they were all opportunity changes to fix moisture issues on the existing unmodified portion of the building. Basically, they did a very good job scoping the project and including all info on their plans and specs. If I had to pick out any low points it would be their construction cost estimating. However, i still give them 5 stars because when things went astray, they fixed it fast and effectively. Their design prices are not rock bottom but they are MORE than fair for their skill, style, and people friendly manner. I would hire them again in a second for another project.”
Littlewolf Architecture
Grønt byggeri i Hudson, NY.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner4. september 2013
“I was the general contractor on a small log cabin remodel that Chris Vlcek of Littlewolf Architecture did all the design work for. Chirs is great to work with as a Contractor and The homeowners loved the finished product.”
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