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113 af 13 eksperter
13 eksperter

Udvalgte anmeldelser for Belysningsdesign.

Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner19. maj 2017
“I love this product, finally a truely minimalistic solution to fully adjustable light. Faced with a choice of several variations of this product, we opted for full functionality and I am glad we did as I enjoy the product and effect of the light every day. The option of controlling the light on the smartphone is great, as we rarely have all the light on or want the option of just up-light.”
Eleanor Home By Sune Jehrbo
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner26. maj 2016
“This is the second time I buy fixtures from Eleanor Home for my clients, I love their products because they have the most beautiful light distribution. This is something that you can`t see in the catalog, only after they are lit. A wonderful surprise!!! Of course, together with their wonderful service they are always my first choice! Tami Eyal Interior & Lighting design”
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