2.090 Billeder af køkken med kobber bordplade og terrazzo bordplade

Plank Hardware: 2023 Trending Kitchens
Plank Hardware: 2023 Trending Kitchens
Terracotta cabinets with Brass Hardware: FOLD Collection
Mediterranean Kitchen: Terracotta and Brass
Mediterranean Kitchen: Terracotta and Brass
Plank HardwarePlank Hardware
As evenings get darker, introduce a taste of the Mediterranean to your culinary space. Choose cabinets in warm, earthy tones (such as Terra from HUSK's new Natura range), then set it off with confident hardware. Enter our FOLD Collection. Embracing a shift to statement design details in the kitchen space, this range comprises bold, circular forms that are manufactured from solid sheet brass. Pack a punch in choosing our surface-mounted pulls, which are installed to sit proudly on cabinet fronts. Or err on the side of discretion with our more subtle edge pulls. Both of equal thickness, these designs feel intentional on contact, plus offer the toasty glow of a lacquered brass finish. Complete your kitchen scheme with a jewel-toned, resin-based Terrazzo worksurface, then style the space with hand-finished ceramics and low-maintenance plants. What we can't help with is the view of rolling Tuscan hills — sorry.
Townhouse kitchen and bath remodeling in Culver city
Townhouse kitchen and bath remodeling in Culver city
Metropolis Drafting and Construction IncMetropolis Drafting and Construction Inc
Updating a recently built town home in culver city for a wonderful family was a very enjoyable project for us. a classic shaker kitchen with double row of upper cabinets due to the extra high ceiling. butcher block island with a sink as a work area. The centerpiece of it all is the amazing handmade Moroccan zellige tiles that were used as the backsplash. going all the way to the ceiling around the window area and finished off in the corners with a black matt Schluter corner system.
Сталинка на Кутузовском проспекте
Сталинка на Кутузовском проспекте
Алена СковородниковаАлена Сковородникова
Дизайнер Алена Сковородникова Фотограф Сергей Красюк
Kitchen Remodel
Kitchen Remodel
K. Burke Interiors, LLCK. Burke Interiors, LLC
The appliances in this period kitchen just had to look the part. This gas range by Heritage is the perfect fit. Photo by Sarah Franckhauser Photography
Northcote House
Northcote House
Ochre StudioOchre Studio
Custom terrazzo benchtop, oak veneer cupboards with hand pull cutouts for opening, curved walls with timber battens.
Yandina Sunrise
Yandina Sunrise
Atelier Chen HungAtelier Chen Hung
The kitchen has a pale pink nougat-like terrazzo benchtop, paired with a blonde/pink Vic Ash timber joinery to make for an appetising space for cooking. Photography by James Hung
Apartamento S | Cocina
Apartamento S | Cocina
Fotografía de Hugo Hebrard
Appartement Penchienatti
Appartement Penchienatti
L’objectif de cette rénovation a été de réunir deux appartements distincts en un espace familial harmonieux. Notre avons dû redéfinir la configuration de cet ancien appartement niçois pour gagner en clarté. Aucune cloison n’a été épargnée. L’ancien salon et l’ancienne chambre parentale ont été réunis pour créer un double séjour comprenant la cuisine dinatoire et le salon. La cuisine caractérisée par l’association du chêne et du Terrazzo a été organisée autour de la table à manger en noyer. Ce double séjour a été délimité par un parquet en chêne, posé en pointe de Hongrie. Pour y ajouter une touche de caractère, nos artisans staffeurs ont réalisé un travail remarquable sur les corniches ainsi que sur les cimaises pour y incorporer des miroirs. Un peu à l’écart, l’ancien studio s’est transformé en chambre parentale comprenant un bureau dans la continuité du dressing, tous deux séparés visuellement par des tasseaux de bois. L’ancienne cuisine a été remplacée par une première chambre d’enfant, pensée autour du sport. Une seconde chambre d’enfant a été réalisée autour de l’univers des dinosaures.
Berlin Studio Kitchen
Berlin Studio Kitchen
The Berlin Studio Kitchen is an economic concept for a functional kitchen that combines an industrial look with the natural beauty and vividness of untreated copper. Standard container boxes serve perfectly as drawers. That way expensive mechanical drawer runners, lacquered fronts and handles become all unnecessary. The good thing about this of course: the saved money can be invested in a beautiful worktop and quality appliances. The kitchen body therefore becomes merely a shelve, filled with boxes which are made of recycled plastic material. For going shopping or the barbecue outside, one simply takes a box from the shelve. The copper worktop opposes the industrial and raw look of the kitchen body. It’s untreated surface is vivid, reacting in various colors to the influences of cooking and cleaning and thereby creating an atmosphere of warmth and natural ageing.
Hudson Valley Remodel
Hudson Valley Remodel
Boxco StudioBoxco Studio
We designed and made the custom plywood cabinetry made for a small, light-filled kitchen remodel. Cabinet fronts are maple and birch plywood with circular cut outs. The open shelving has through tenon joinery and sliding doors.
Cuina Sant Joan
Cuina Sant Joan
AZ estudi - Arquitectura y ReformasAZ estudi - Arquitectura y Reformas
La reforma de la cuina es basa en una renovació total del mobiliari, parets, paviment i sostre; a la vegada es guanya espai movent una paret i transformant una porta batent en una porta corredissa. El resultat es el d’una cuina pràctica i optimitzada, alhora, el conjunt de materials segueix la mateixa sintonia. La reforma de la cocina se basa en una renovación total del mobiliario, paredes, pavimento y techo; a la vez se gana espacio moviendo una pared y transformando una puerta batiente por una puerta corredera. El resultado es el de una cocina práctica y optimizada, a la vez, el conjunto de materiales sigue la misma sintonía.
The Oak Hill House
The Oak Hill House
The kitchen backsplash as well as the hood are hand forged steel...We are featuring a 1/8" copper counter top. All done by the EXTREMELY talented Craftsmen at Oak Hill Iron in Morganton, NC / Contact: Mr. Josh Smith @ 828.437.5348 or e-mail: info@oakhilliron.com

2.090 Billeder af køkken med kobber bordplade og terrazzo bordplade

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