Girl's Bedroom by Brett Design with Feathers Wallpaper
Girl's Bedroom by Brett Design with Feathers Wallpaper
Brett DesignBrett Design
Contemporary Girl's Bedroom in New York City with interior design by Brett Design featuring Brett Design "Feathers" Wallpaper in Mauve.
Teenage bedroom
Teenage bedroom
Lux DecorLux Decor
Designed by Lux Décor. Angela Auclair Photography
Castello In cameretta
Castello In cameretta
Home Lifting StudioHome Lifting Studio
letto Kura di Ikea trasformato in un castello per due bambini con l'aggiunta di un angolo segreto per giocare
Appartement courbe
Appartement courbe
Chambre masculine présentant un mur bibliothèque et son bureau extrudé.
Leckhampton Road
Leckhampton Road
Completion Interior Design & ArchitectureCompletion Interior Design & Architecture
CHILDREN'S BEDROOM. This imposing, red brick, Victorian villa has wonderful proportions, so we had a great skeleton to work with. Formally quite a dark house, we used a bright colour scheme, introduced new lighting and installed plantation shutters throughout. The brief was for it to be beautifully stylish at the same time as being somewhere the family can relax. We also converted part of the double garage into a music studio for the teenage boys - complete with sound proofing!
Boy's Educational Bedroom
Boy's Educational Bedroom
The light and dark blue tones in this World Map wallpaper design brings depth and variation to this bedroom. A wonderful kid's bedroom that has been brought together by this large scale world map mural.

Billeder af teenageværelse

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