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Lake Front Country Estate
Lake Front Country Estate
Markalunas Architecture GroupMarkalunas Architecture Group
Lake Front Country Estate Living Room, designed by Tom Markalunas, built by Resort Custom Homes. Photography by Rachael Boling.

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1.999.297 Billeder af dagligstue

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Urban Townhome Living Room
Urban Townhome Living Room
In this combination living room/ family room, form vs function is at it's best.. Formal enough to host a cocktail party, and comfortable enough to host a football game. The wrap around sectional accommodates 5-6 people and the oversized ottoman has room enough for everyone to put their feet up! The high back, stylized wing chair offers comfort and a lamp for reading. Decorative accessories are placed in the custom built bookcases freeing table top space for drinks, books, etc. Magazines and current reading are neatly placed in the rattan tray for easy access. The overall neutral color palette is punctuated by soft shades of blue around the room. LORRAINE G VALE photo by Michael Costa
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