115 Billeder af køkken med skabe i rustfrit stål og marmorgulv

Gigi Interiors NYCGigi Interiors NYC
modern, minimalistic kitchen to reflect clients tastes. Under cabinet lighting with unique combination of traditional Farmer's sink, to add style to a minimal contemporary kitchen.
Ristruttrazione di antico casolare
Ristruttrazione di antico casolare
BLU DESIGN - Luca Nardi Interior DesignerBLU DESIGN - Luca Nardi Interior Designer
Nel complesso storico di Villa Mannelli ad Empoli, si trovava l’area delle ex scuderie per il ricovero dei cavalli destinata ad essere trasformata in residenziale. Il volume in oggetto era pieno di suggestioni con uno spazio giorno unico di mt 14x6 con due archi in pietra che sorreggevano il sovrastante solaio a voltoline. Su questo spazio si affacciavano 3 vani interni che a loro volta si prospettavano su una corte interna. La scelta progettuale primaria è stata quella di preservare il grande spazio voltato per adibirlo a un open space pranzo/soggiorno su cui si affaccia un soppalco che ha permesso di creare al suo interno 2 bagni e di ampliare una dei vani esistenti per adibirla a camera. Anche l’altro vano restante all’interno dell’edificio è stato adibito a camera e, sfruttando l’altezza esistente di circa 6,5 mt è stato ricavato un soppalco adibito a zona armadi da cui si accede al soppalco della zona soggiorno su cui è stata posizionata una vasca idromassaggio a vista. Per dare estrema luminosità ai vani, tenendo conto delle misure esigue delle finestre esistenti, si è optato per un colore bianco vino di tutte le pareti e dei soffitti alleggerendo ulteriormente le superfici utilizzando parapetti in vetro sia per il soppalco che per la scala.
Carnegie Hill Park Avenue Apartment
Carnegie Hill Park Avenue Apartment
Gail Green InteriorsGail Green Interiors
The kitchen's color palette is a careful blend of warm and cool colors, smooth and rough textures, old an new things. Luminous stainless steel cabinets are offset by tumbled marble flooring and backsplash tiles in warm each tones of sienna, ivory and straw. Monochromatic limestone countertops are complemented by the swirling pattern of the ash burl topped dining table. State of the art kitchen equipment abound. It is an ideal place for this Carnegie Hill family of four to relax. The kitchen area has a simple layout with the handy working triangle design between range, refrigerator, and sink. There is ample counter space and plenty of storage including tall utility and pantry cabinets. The stainless steel cabinet surfaces are easy to maintain, and the limestone counters have been sealed to resist stains.
New Construction in Hockley, TX
New Construction in Hockley, TX
Midtown Cabinetry & DesignsMidtown Cabinetry & Designs
A clean modern kitchen designed for an eclectic home with Mediterranean flair. This home was built by Byer Builders within the Houston Oaks Country Club gated community in Hockley, TX. The cabinets feature new mechanical drawer slides that are a touch-to-open drawer with a soft-close feature by Blum.
New Construction in Hockley, TX
New Construction in Hockley, TX
Midtown Cabinetry & DesignsMidtown Cabinetry & Designs
A clean modern kitchen designed for an eclectic home with Mediterranean flair. This home was built by Byer Builders within the Houston Oaks Country Club gated community in Hockley, TX. The cabinets feature new mechanical drawer slides that are a touch-to-open drawer with a soft-close feature by Blum.
Carnegie Hill Park Avenue Apartment
Carnegie Hill Park Avenue Apartment
Gail Green InteriorsGail Green Interiors
The sitting area is designed to be a kind of family salon. Its focal point is the fireplace with a polished cast iron mantle int eh American Empire style of 1906. Bookcases, made of the stainless steel kitchen cabinets, flank the fireplace. Above the banquette hang six original chromolithographs of New York State vineyard grapes. The Doris Leslie Blau area rug is a Caucasian Kazak rule from the early 20th century.
Sophisticated Sleek Stainless Steel Kitchen
Sophisticated Sleek Stainless Steel Kitchen
Gail Green InteriorsGail Green Interiors
Sleek stainless steel open kitchen for a family with cooking, prep, sitting, desk, dining, and reading areas.
Sophisticated Sleek Stainless Steel Kitchen
Sophisticated Sleek Stainless Steel Kitchen
Gail Green InteriorsGail Green Interiors
Sleek stainless steel open kitchen for a family with cooking, prep, sitting, desk, dining, and reading areas.
Sophisticated Sleek Stainless Steel Kitchen
Sophisticated Sleek Stainless Steel Kitchen
Gail Green InteriorsGail Green Interiors
Sleek stainless steel open kitchen for a family with cooking, prep, sitting, desk, dining, and reading areas.

115 Billeder af køkken med skabe i rustfrit stål og marmorgulv

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