117 Billeder af alrum med et væghængt TV og lofttapet

ADU - Woodland Hills
ADU - Woodland Hills
DYM Builders Group, Inc.DYM Builders Group, Inc.
This once unused garage has been transformed into a private suite masterpiece! Featuring a full kitchen, living room, bedroom and 2 bathrooms, who would have thought that this ADU used to be a garage that gathered dust?
Craftsman Delight
Craftsman Delight
12/12 Architects & Planners12/12 Architects & Planners
The family room is the primary living space in the home, with beautifully detailed fireplace and built-in shelving surround, as well as a complete window wall to the lush back yard. The stained glass windows and panels were designed and made by the homeowner.
The Maplewood Green
The Maplewood Green
Swati Goorha DesignsSwati Goorha Designs
A cozy family room with wallpaper on the ceiling and walls. An inviting space that is comfortable and inviting with biophilic colors.
Estero Residence
Estero Residence
RAW Architecture + DesignRAW Architecture + Design
Decor and accessories selection and assistance with furniture layout.
Bar Room - Moore Park
Bar Room - Moore Park
Sai Interiors LtdSai Interiors Ltd
The clients had an unused swimming pool room which doubled up as a gym. They wanted a complete overhaul of the room to create a sports bar/games room. We wanted to create a space that felt like a London members club, dark and atmospheric. We opted for dark navy panelled walls and wallpapered ceiling. A beautiful black parquet floor was installed. Lighting was key in this space. We created a large neon sign as the focal point and added striking Buster and Punch pendant lights to create a visual room divider. The result was a room the clients are proud to say is "instagramable"
Yarrow Way Home Remodel
Yarrow Way Home Remodel
D&G ConstructionD&G Construction
A beautiful linear fire place surrounded by white ceramic tile. Above the fire place is a large brown wooden mantle with two metallic light fixtures. The walls are egg shell white with large white, flat trim. A T.V. and T.V. mount is on the wall at the end of the room. Above the T.V is a sky light to illuminate the white room.
Deep River Estate
Deep River Estate
Sally Scott Interior DesignerSally Scott Interior Designer
As in most homes, the family room and kitchen is the hub of the home. Walls and ceiling are papered with a look like grass cloth vinyl, offering just a bit of texture and interest. Flanking custom Kravet sofas provide a comfortable place to talk to the cook! The game table expands for additional players or a large puzzle. The mural depicts the over 50 acres of ponds, rolling hills and two covered bridges built by the home owner.
Interior Design Rendering
Interior Design Rendering
AVS RenderingsAVS Renderings
Interior Desing Rendering: Iiving room with wihte paneled walls.
Deep River Estate
Deep River Estate
Sally Scott Interior DesignerSally Scott Interior Designer
As in most homes, the family room and kitchen is the hub of the home. Walls and ceiling are papered with a look like grass cloth vinyl, offering just a bit of texture and interest. Flanking custom Kravet sofas provide a comfortable place to talk to the cook! The game table expands for additional players or a large puzzle. The mural depicts the over 50 acres of ponds, rolling hills and two covered bridges built by the home owner.
Bar Room - Moore Park
Bar Room - Moore Park
Sai Interiors LtdSai Interiors Ltd
The clients had an unused swimming pool room which doubled up as a gym. They wanted a complete overhaul of the room to create a sports bar/games room. We wanted to create a space that felt like a London members club, dark and atmospheric. We opted for dark navy panelled walls and wallpapered ceiling. A beautiful black parquet floor was installed. Lighting was key in this space. We created a large neon sign as the focal point and added striking Buster and Punch pendant lights to create a visual room divider. The result was a room the clients are proud to say is "instagramable"
Residential_Family room remodel (Wallington, NJ)
Residential_Family room remodel (Wallington, NJ)
EL Design Corp.EL Design Corp.
Craftsman Delight
Craftsman Delight
12/12 Architects & Planners12/12 Architects & Planners
The family room is the primary living space in the home, with beautifully detailed fireplace and built-in shelving surround, as well as a complete window wall to the lush back yard. The stained glass windows and panels were designed and made by the homeowner.
世田谷の閑静な住宅街に光庭を持つ木造3階建の母と娘家族の二世帯住宅です。隣家に囲まれているため、接道する北側に光と風を導く奥に深い庭(光庭)を設けました。その庭を巡るようにそれぞれの住居を配置し、大きな窓を通して互いの気配が感じられる住まいとしました。光庭を開くことでまちとつながり、共有することで家族を結ぶ長屋の計画です。 敷地は北側以外隣家に囲まれているため、建蔽率60%の余剰を北側中央に道へ繋がる奥行5mの光庭に集中させ、光庭を巡るように2つの家族のリビングやテラスを大きな開口と共に配置しました。1階は母、2~3階は娘家族としてそれぞれが独立性を保ちつつ風や光を共有しながら木々越しに互いを見守る構成です。奥に深い光庭は延焼ラインから外れ、曲面硝子や木アルミ複合サッシを用いながら柔らかい内部空間の広がりをつくります。木のぬくもりを感じる空間にするため、光庭を活かして隣地の開口制限を重視した準延焼防止建築物として空間を圧迫せず木架構の現しや木製階段を可能にしました。陽の光の角度と外壁の斜貼りタイルは呼応し、季節の移り変わりを知らせてくれます。曲面を構成する砂状塗装は自然の岩肌のような表情に。お施主様のお母様は紙で作るペーパーフラワーアート教室を定期的に開き、1階は光庭に面してギャラリーのように使われ、光庭はまちの顔となり小美術館のような佇まいとなった。

117 Billeder af alrum med et væghængt TV og lofttapet

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