71 Billeder af badeværelse med et japansk badekar og en aflang håndvask

Man Cave Master Bath
Man Cave Master Bath
Simply Baths & KitchensSimply Baths & Kitchens
From the mis-matched cabinetry, to the floral wallpaper border, to the hot air balloon accent tiles, the former state of this master bathroom held no relationship to its laid-back bachelor owner. Inspired by his travels, his stays at luxury hotel suites and longing for zen appeal, the homeowner called in designer Rachel Peterson of Simply Baths, Inc. to help him overhaul the room. Removing walls to open up the space and adding a calming neutral grey palette left the space uninterrupted, modern and fresh. To make better use of this 9x9 bathroom, the walk-in shower and Japanese soaking tub share the same space & create the perfect opportunity for a textured, tiled accent wall. Meanwhile, the custom concrete sink offers just the right amount of industrial edge. The end result is a better compliment to the homeowner and his lifestyle & gives the term "man cave" a whole new meaning.
Man Cave Master Bath
Man Cave Master Bath
Simply Baths & KitchensSimply Baths & Kitchens
From the mis-matched cabinetry, to the floral wallpaper border, to the hot air balloon accent tiles, the former state of this master bathroom held no relationship to its laid-back bachelor owner. Inspired by his travels, his stays at luxury hotel suites and longing for zen appeal, the homeowner called in designer Rachel Peterson of Simply Baths, Inc. to help him overhaul the room. Removing walls to open up the space and adding a calming neutral grey palette left the space uninterrupted, modern and fresh. To make better use of this 9x9 bathroom, the walk-in shower and Japanese soaking tub share the same space & create the perfect opportunity for a textured, tiled accent wall. Meanwhile, the custom concrete sink offers just the right amount of industrial edge. The end result is a better compliment to the homeowner and his lifestyle & gives the term "man cave" a whole new meaning.
Man Cave Master Bath
Man Cave Master Bath
Simply Baths & KitchensSimply Baths & Kitchens
From the mis-matched cabinetry, to the floral wallpaper border, to the hot air balloon accent tiles, the former state of this master bathroom held no relationship to its laid-back bachelor owner. Inspired by his travels, his stays at luxury hotel suites and longing for zen appeal, the homeowner called in designer Rachel Peterson of Simply Baths, Inc. to help him overhaul the room. Removing walls to open up the space and adding a calming neutral grey palette left the space uninterrupted, modern and fresh. To make better use of this 9x9 bathroom, the walk-in shower and Japanese soaking tub share the same space & create the perfect opportunity for a textured, tiled accent wall. Meanwhile, the custom concrete sink offers just the right amount of industrial edge. The end result is a better compliment to the homeowner and his lifestyle & gives the term "man cave" a whole new meaning.
Maison mix&match sur l'Île Saint Denis
Maison mix&match sur l'Île Saint Denis
Projet Wabi-sabiProjet Wabi-sabi
Une belle et grande maison de l’Île Saint Denis, en bord de Seine. Ce qui aura constitué l’un de mes plus gros défis ! Madame aime le pop, le rose, le batik, les 50’s-60’s-70’s, elle est tendre, romantique et tient à quelques références qui ont construit ses souvenirs de maman et d’amoureuse. Monsieur lui, aime le minimalisme, le minéral, l’art déco et les couleurs froides (et le rose aussi quand même!). Tous deux aiment les chats, les plantes, le rock, rire et voyager. Ils sont drôles, accueillants, généreux, (très) patients mais (super) perfectionnistes et parfois difficiles à mettre d’accord ? Et voilà le résultat : un mix and match de folie, loin de mes codes habituels et du Wabi-sabi pur et dur, mais dans lequel on retrouve l’essence absolue de cette démarche esthétique japonaise : donner leur chance aux objets du passé, respecter les vibrations, les émotions et l’intime conviction, ne pas chercher à copier ou à être « tendance » mais au contraire, ne jamais oublier que nous sommes des êtres uniques qui avons le droit de vivre dans un lieu unique. Que ce lieu est rare et inédit parce que nous l’avons façonné pièce par pièce, objet par objet, motif par motif, accord après accord, à notre image et selon notre cœur. Cette maison de bord de Seine peuplée de trouvailles vintage et d’icônes du design respire la bonne humeur et la complémentarité de ce couple de clients merveilleux qui resteront des amis. Des clients capables de franchir l’Atlantique pour aller chercher des miroirs que je leur ai proposés mais qui, le temps de passer de la conception à la réalisation, sont sold out en France. Des clients capables de passer la journée avec nous sur le chantier, mètre et niveau à la main, pour nous aider à traquer la perfection dans les finitions. Des clients avec qui refaire le monde, dans la quiétude du jardin, un verre à la main, est un pur moment de bonheur. Merci pour votre confiance, votre ténacité et votre ouverture d’esprit. ????
Contemporaneo e Zen a City Life | 102 mq
Contemporaneo e Zen a City Life | 102 mq
JFD - Juri Favilli DesignJFD - Juri Favilli Design
Cosa intendo con Arredamento Zen Moderno? Siamo a Milano, in zona City Life, dal quarto piano di questa palazzina si possono toccare le torri e i complessi abitativi tra i più famosi della capitale Lombarda. Non ho messo pannelli scorrevoli in carta di riso, e neanche un tatami in camera dal letto… allora perchè parlo di atmosfere Zen Moderne? Beh, dovete giudicare dalle foto per capire se dico giusto. Il proprietario di casa ama due cose in particolare, il minimalismo e il Giappone. E come cerco di fare sempre, il mio modo di progettare mira a tradurre in design il carattere di chi abiterà la casa. Quando ho affrontato la ristrutturazione completa di questo appartamento ho stravolto completamente la distribuzione della casa, che aveva la cucina in zona notte (giuro non sto scherzando) e ho cercato di aprire il più possibile gli ambienti. Ne è derivato un gioco di scorci visivi incrociati, di inserti bianchi e dettagli di legno color Bamboo. Il risultato è aver reso la casa molto più vivibile di prima, e aver adottato uno stile essenziale che secondo me in qualche modo evoca la pace di certe case giapponesi. E secondo voi?

71 Billeder af badeværelse med et japansk badekar og en aflang håndvask

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