457 Billeder af børneværelse med korkgulv og kalkstensgulv

Mid-Century Raised Ranch Remodel
Mid-Century Raised Ranch Remodel
The Artisans Group, Inc.The Artisans Group, Inc.
Winner of the 2018 Tour of Homes Best Remodel, this whole house re-design of a 1963 Bennet & Johnson mid-century raised ranch home is a beautiful example of the magic we can weave through the application of more sustainable modern design principles to existing spaces. We worked closely with our client on extensive updates to create a modernized MCM gem. Extensive alterations include: - a completely redesigned floor plan to promote a more intuitive flow throughout - vaulted the ceilings over the great room to create an amazing entrance and feeling of inspired openness - redesigned entry and driveway to be more inviting and welcoming as well as to experientially set the mid-century modern stage - the removal of a visually disruptive load bearing central wall and chimney system that formerly partitioned the homes’ entry, dining, kitchen and living rooms from each other - added clerestory windows above the new kitchen to accentuate the new vaulted ceiling line and create a greater visual continuation of indoor to outdoor space - drastically increased the access to natural light by increasing window sizes and opening up the floor plan - placed natural wood elements throughout to provide a calming palette and cohesive Pacific Northwest feel - incorporated Universal Design principles to make the home Aging In Place ready with wide hallways and accessible spaces, including single-floor living if needed - moved and completely redesigned the stairway to work for the home’s occupants and be a part of the cohesive design aesthetic - mixed custom tile layouts with more traditional tiling to create fun and playful visual experiences - custom designed and sourced MCM specific elements such as the entry screen, cabinetry and lighting - development of the downstairs for potential future use by an assisted living caretaker - energy efficiency upgrades seamlessly woven in with much improved insulation, ductless mini splits and solar gain
В данном помещении окно было расположенно значительно выше, чем в других комнатах. Чтобы избежать ощущения подвала, мы подняли большую часть комнаты за счет подиума, оставив в самом низу только шкаф и комод под лестницей. Над входом организовали верхний уровень для игры/сна. Первые ступени лестницы содержат выкатные ящики для хранения.
Долгоруковская ул. - Фото. 130 кв.м. Реализованный проект.
Долгоруковская ул. - Фото. 130 кв.м. Реализованный проект.
Бюро9 - BURO9Бюро9 - BURO9
Дизайн-проект реализован Архитектором-Дизайнером Екатериной Ялалтыновой. Комплектация и декорирование - Бюро9. Строительная компания - ООО "Шафт
Soda Spring Residence
Soda Spring Residence
Kat Alves PhotographyKat Alves Photography
Photo: Kat Alves Photography www.katalves.com // Design: Atmosphere Design Build http://www.atmospheredesignbuild.com/
Детская мансарда
Детская мансарда
Мебельная фирма КедрМебельная фирма Кедр
Небольшой городок-полки поселился на мансардном этаже наших заказчиков. Фасады выполнены из МДФ под покраску, фурнитура итальянская. Перила из массива ясеня. Использование самых разнообразных материалов - отличительная особенность нашего производства. Вы не ограничены в выборе и всегда найдете подходящее решение!
Family room (sports)
Family room (sports)
Thinkterior LLCThinkterior LLC
THEME There are two priorities in this room: Hockey (in this case, Washington Capitals hockey) and FUN. FOCUS The room is broken into two main sections (one for kids and one for adults); and divided by authentic hockey boards, complete with yellow kickplates and half-inch plexiglass. Like a true hockey arena, the room pays homage to star players with two fully autographed team jerseys preserved in cases, as well as team logos positioned throughout the room on custom-made pillows, accessories and the floor. The back half of the room is made just for kids. Swings, a dart board, a ball pit, a stage and a hidden playhouse under the stairs ensure fun for all. STORAGE A large storage unit at the rear of the room makes use of an odd-shaped nook, adds support and accommodates large shelves, toys and boxes. Storage space is cleverly placed near the ballpit, and will eventually transition into a full storage area once the pit is no longer needed. The back side of the hockey boards hold two small refrigerators (one for adults and one for kids), as well as the base for the audio system. GROWTH The front half of the room lasts as long as the family’s love for the team. The back half of the room grows with the children, and eventually will provide a useable, wide open space as well as storage. SAFETY A plexiglass wall separates the two main areas of the room, minimizing the noise created by kids playing and hockey fans cheering. It also protects the big screen TV from balls, pucks and other play objects that occasionally fly by. The ballpit door has a double safety lock to ensure supervised use.
Дом рукодельницы
Дом рукодельницы
Lares DesignLares Design
Дизайнера вдохновили ключевые слова хозяйки комнаты. На вопрос, что ей нравится, она ответила: "Лондон - Битлз - Yellow submarine". Авторы: Мария Черемухина, Вера Ермаченко, Кочетова Татьяна

457 Billeder af børneværelse med korkgulv og kalkstensgulv

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