27 Billeder af hjemmekontor med gule vægge og vægpaneler

Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Robert Rhodes Architecture + InteriorsRobert Rhodes Architecture + Interiors
Ripplevale Grove is our monochrome and contemporary renovation and extension of a lovely little Georgian house in central Islington. We worked with Paris-based design architects Lia Kiladis and Christine Ilex Beinemeier to delver a clean, timeless and modern design that maximises space in a small house, converting a tiny attic into a third bedroom and still finding space for two home offices - one of which is in a plywood clad garden studio.
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Robert Rhodes Architecture + InteriorsRobert Rhodes Architecture + Interiors
Ripplevale Grove is our monochrome and contemporary renovation and extension of a lovely little Georgian house in central Islington. We worked with Paris-based design architects Lia Kiladis and Christine Ilex Beinemeier to delver a clean, timeless and modern design that maximises space in a small house, converting a tiny attic into a third bedroom and still finding space for two home offices - one of which is in a plywood clad garden studio.
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Robert Rhodes Architecture + InteriorsRobert Rhodes Architecture + Interiors
Ripplevale Grove is our monochrome and contemporary renovation and extension of a lovely little Georgian house in central Islington. We worked with Paris-based design architects Lia Kiladis and Christine Ilex Beinemeier to delver a clean, timeless and modern design that maximises space in a small house, converting a tiny attic into a third bedroom and still finding space for two home offices - one of which is in a plywood clad garden studio.
Яркий аутентичный интерьер, создающий иллюзию загородного дома
Яркий аутентичный интерьер, создающий иллюзию загородного дома
Ольга ДолидзеОльга Долидзе
Одна из комнат запроектирована под детскую. Изначально хотели отложить разработку дизайна до заветного момента. Но в процессе ремонта пришло решение сделать интерьер нейтральным, подходящим и для мальчика, и для девочки. Получилась очень светлая и солнечная комната, готовая встретить в своих стенах младенца любого пола. Но пока малыш не появился на свет, хозяйка время от времени использует эту комнату, как мастерскую. В картинах вновь объединилась ее романтичный характер и его экстремальные увлечения.
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Robert Rhodes Architecture + InteriorsRobert Rhodes Architecture + Interiors
Ripplevale Grove is our monochrome and contemporary renovation and extension of a lovely little Georgian house in central Islington. We worked with Paris-based design architects Lia Kiladis and Christine Ilex Beinemeier to delver a clean, timeless and modern design that maximises space in a small house, converting a tiny attic into a third bedroom and still finding space for two home offices - one of which is in a plywood clad garden studio.
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Contemporary Islington Home Renovation and Garden Studio
Robert Rhodes Architecture + InteriorsRobert Rhodes Architecture + Interiors
Ripplevale Grove is our monochrome and contemporary renovation and extension of a lovely little Georgian house in central Islington. We worked with Paris-based design architects Lia Kiladis and Christine Ilex Beinemeier to delver a clean, timeless and modern design that maximises space in a small house, converting a tiny attic into a third bedroom and still finding space for two home offices - one of which is in a plywood clad garden studio.

27 Billeder af hjemmekontor med gule vægge og vægpaneler

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