334 Billeder af industrielt bad

Vorher / Nachher: neues Badezimmer für wenig Geld
Vorher / Nachher: neues Badezimmer für wenig Geld
freudenspiel - interior designfreudenspiel - interior design
Vorher / Nachher: ein neues Bad für ca. € 800,-- Die einzig größere Investition bei der Renovierung dieses Bades war die Aufarbeitung von der alten Hobelbank, bei der noch alte Schubläden und eine Ablage unter dem Tisch für mehr Stauraum eingebaut wurden. Interior Design: freudenspiel by Elisabeth Zola Fotos: Zolaproduction
Stuarts Residence Built by Novara Homes
Stuarts Residence Built by Novara Homes
Novara HomesNovara Homes
This beautiful home was custom designed to maximize the amazing views of the river as well as optimizing sun orientation. The front facade is a charming provincial ranch style including white weatherboards with the interior lending itself to a modern industrial with timeless warm tones. Photos: Kane Horwill m 0418 174 171 www.facebook.com/open2viewvictoriasouthwest
Ristrutturazione di un appartamento di inizio '900
Ristrutturazione di un appartamento di inizio '900
3P project3P project
Data la larghezza inferiore a 1 mt del bagno esistente, si è deciso di rinunciare all'aerazione naturale dell'ambiente per consentire di creare una apposita nicchia in cui inserire una spaziosa doccia. per i rivestimenti si è optato al gres porcellanato per la fascia in prossimita del lavabo, e ad un rivestimento materico in resina nella zona doccia. Le restanti pareti sono state invece tinteggiate e rifinite con una mano di vernice protettiva trasparente idrorepellente.
Лофт с историей
Лофт с историей
Роман Леонидов / Архитектурное бюроРоман Леонидов / Архитектурное бюро
Декоратор - Ольга Буденная Фотограф - Софья Леонидова
Albany Bathroom Remodel
Albany Bathroom Remodel
zpd+a and roomTEN designzpd+a and roomTEN design
When we replaced the windows throughout the house, we reclaimed all the original oak trim, pulling out the nails, stripping off the varnish, and ultimately, giving the old wood new life by crafting it into wall-to-wall cabinetry and an elegant vintage-inspired vanity. The construction process was hands on: demolition uncovered a few quirks and offered the opportunity to add insulation, HVAC and electrical (previously, there was not a single outlet in the room.) We pulled up the linoleum floor and discovered a relatively spotless maple floor, which we scraped and refinished. photography by tylermallory.com

334 Billeder af industrielt bad

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