268 Billeder af opbevaring og garderobe med åbne hylder og hvidt gulv

930 on Lady Anne
930 on Lady Anne
Crontech ConsultingCrontech Consulting
A clean, glamorous aesthetic allows for elegant and timeless lines, keeping the style of this home cohesive throughout. The white marble tiles create a classic blank canvas that will suit any modern aesthetic and interior décor opportunity. Soft wood textures in the cupboards, warm white LED lighting along with stone cladding adds warmth to the kitchen and grounds the overall space as the main entertainment area of the home. The house includes a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom layout with private enclosed garden space ideal for the four legged children.
ランドリールームとつながるファミリークローゼット。 洗濯物を洗い、干し、収納するまでをスムーズに行える家事動線を。
Дизайн-студия ARSOДизайн-студия ARSO
В этой гардеробной комнате, размещенной в прихожей использована особенная система хранения обуви. Шкаф может передвигаться по специальным рельсам, что позволяет обувь хранить в 2 ряда
Streamline in Cherry Hills Village
Streamline in Cherry Hills Village
Colorado Kitchen DesignsColorado Kitchen Designs
A huge walk-in closet with vaulted ceiling in Cherry Hills, CO. Vistora frameless cabinetry features a center island and separate cedar lined closet for delicates. This design provides efficient and dedicated storage throughout.
Referenzprojekt - Ankleide Lena Terlutter
Referenzprojekt - Ankleide Lena Terlutter
HOME Schlafen & WohnenHOME Schlafen & Wohnen
Ankleide nach Maß gefertigt mit offenen Regalen in der Dachschräge

268 Billeder af opbevaring og garderobe med åbne hylder og hvidt gulv

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