
In what sizes are these tile available and how much per sq foot?

9 år siden
Need 45 sq ft for bathroom floor project
RiverBed Tile -- Mixed · Mere information

(4) kommentarer

  • PRO
    9 år siden
    You can find the information you are looking for in a couple of different ways depending on how you are using Houzz. If you are on a computer, click on the green "more info" link. If you are on the app, tap the photo. Either way you should see a link to a vendor or store. Follow that link for further information and pricing.
    jerseymom231 thanked User
  • PRO
    9 år siden

    I am a wholesale supplier and would be happy to provide you with all the information you need, but need some more information from you. The tile comes in a wide variety of sizes and in slab. It is Italian-made and is $50/SF plus shipping. I would be happy to help you further. Feel free to call me on my cell at 954-326-2702. David S. Morganstein, Chief Innovative Officer, DM Decos by Design.

    jerseymom231 thanked DM Decos by Design, Inc.
  • PRO
    9 år siden
    we carry these stones in our showroom at express tile located in north bergen, new jersey. They come in 12x12 sheets and the $16 per sq/ft. We also do ship to other states.
    I would be more than happy to help you.

    Give us a call at :

    201 7581558
    Please like our page " express tile kitchen & bath"

    Thank you! :)
  • PRO
    9 år siden

    While I greatly appreciate Express Tile's enthusiasm for responding to your question, I am quite sure it is not the same product as the one I exclusively import from Italy. I am a direct importer and I can assure you that the product is not the same as the one that I directly important from Italy. I would appreciate it if retail showrooms don't attempt to contact potential clients who respond to inquiries from my page.


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