
Ideas to complete living room.

9 år siden
I'm in process of doing up my living room, it is not that big and faces North East so only gets sun about 7/8am. I've come to a standstill as I can't decide how to finish it, don't want it to look like a show home as it's for everyday use and I don't mind a mix of styles. Chose wallpaper, curtains and rug that I think co-ordinate. Now wondering if I should paint walls at either side of chimney breast grey to tie in with wallpaper? Trying to decide colour of sofa and armchairs to buy, thinking French grey or dusky pink. Installed Laura Ashley lights but not sure about them, maybe something softer would be better along with table lamps, though not sure what to choose. I've decided to go with black furniture as I upcycled an old cabinet and quite like it and would like something for tv but haven't seen anything I like. Eventually I plan to install a log burner but that won't happen for a few years. All ideas and
suggestions most welcome.
Many thanks

(24) kommentarer

  • 9 år siden

    I would leave the walls either side the colour they are to create a sense of space. I bought a lovely coffee table from Puji which I use as a TV table in limed mango wood. It seems to blend nicely into the room. I'm not sure that the picture is suited above the fireplace. Maybe a very simple line drawing (such as Picasso's prints) may be better.

    Marie McElroy thanked Juliet Docherty
  • 9 år siden
    I think I'd leave the walls or maybe paint them a very light grey if your really wanting to freshen it up. Odd add a coffee table possibly white washed shabby chic style or if you have an old one you could up cycle using Annie Sloan paint.
  • 9 år siden
    I'd do the TV stand too
  • 9 år siden

    I like the walls as they are. If you wanted to paint, and I'd do all of the walls, try farrow and ball strong white. It's actually a very pale grey that works in rooms with little light. Re sofas, you have a few choices depending on what you do with the walls and how vibrant you want the room to be. Grey, pink, turquoise and lime work together. You could also try the sofa in one colour and occasional chairs in another. I agree with natalie, I'd add a coffee table in glass. Maybe a floor lamp at the back of the sofa? The wall lghts look fine. Do you also have a ceiling light? The room is looking good, paper is very pretty. I do agree re the art, maybe a round or sunburst mirror which will bring a little more light in?

  • PRO
    9 år siden

    Hi - lovely colour scheme… and fabulous feature wall. I personally agree with painting the side walls a pale grey. And I would replace the picture above the fireplace with an unframed art-deco style rectangular mirror or a round plain glass mirror (no frame) - this will tie in with the art deco glass style of the wall lamps. Reduce the ornaments on the mantle… perhaps just have the two candlesticks reflected in the new mirror). And add a black TV unit. If you want a coffee table then plain glass would be good (again to tie in with the wall lamps). Could include a fishbowl vase on the table with pink and green artificial flowers to complement the wallpaper. Good luck.

    Marie McElroy thanked smb interior design
  • PRO
    9 år siden

    thought I'd attached pics to illustrate my suggestions but perhaps not… so here they are:

    Marie McElroy thanked smb interior design
  • 9 år siden
    Thank you all for the great advice and compliments which I have taken on board. The picture has already been taken down and mantle de cluttered, I will replace it as suggested with a round mirror when I find one I like. Love the idea of a glass coffee table and glass bowl with flowers. Having trouble finding a small enough table for tv, had a look at website suggested but I think they are all a little too big for what I'm looking for, might have to up cycle coffee table in meantime. Like the idea of having a mix of colours for sofa and chairs, the hard part is choosing the colours as I don't want to have too many bright colours in such a small space.
  • 9 år siden

    I think your table will be fine upcycled. If you go for the very pale grey walls, you could have a grey sofa with either pastel lime chairs or the pink. Alternatively a pale pink blush paint may work on the walls with both grey sofa and chairs with the other colours of the wallpaper being picked up in cushions.

    Marie McElroy thanked minnie101
  • 9 år siden
    I like the pale grey wall idea although you could go a greeny white which would look good with a pink and grey colour scheme.
    Also please don't replace that charming cast iron fire insert with a log burner. Perhaps you would prefer the cast iron painted white?
  • 9 år siden

    I must admit I agree with Jonathan re the fire unless of course you want to swap with my woodburner!!

    Marie McElroy thanked minnie101
  • PRO
    9 år siden

    I have to say I agree withJonathan re the fireplace, and withMinnie re very pale grey paint. For occasional chair, I'd recommend versatile items such as mirrored stool. It can be used as occasional seating solution, small side table or a base for hosting a pink or grey or floral throw depending on your mood/occasions.

    Marie McElroy thanked MyOriental Ltd
  • 9 år siden
    You've convinced me not to change to a log burner, thanks everyone, lots of ideas me to try out over the summer, hopefully will get room finished soon.
  • 9 år siden

    I have 2 of the exact same ones My Oriental! I'm glad I've also found a new source for gingers jars :)

  • PRO
    9 år siden

    Marie, your room looks lovely. So nice to see a nice blend of new and old and interesting. I agree with the others to keep your fireplace.

    I am not a huge fan of grey but I see what you mean about the wall on either side of the chimney ... have you considered continuing the wallpaper across that whole back wall? The slightly darker background would also help the TV to blend into the background. You could also do something a little different and pick up one of the other colours ... a warm light green to suit the wallpaper would add some more life to the room (grey by definition is a 'flattening' colour re light etc. think if grey in nature ... heavy dead things ... mainly rocks/minerals ... good for grounding a room but not too much of it ... I'm not one for trends.)

    Grey and wood/brown are not great together so I would change the TV stand or paint it.

    I love the raspberry colour of your sofa, seems a shame to add more grey. Also a lively colourful rug and some original artwork on the walls will make it less matchy. It helps to add in some small flashes of random colours ... either in artwork, accessories or cushions ... a bit of pattern.

    With regards to 'lightness' also remember to balance the volume and age of things. The curtains look solid and quite heavy, the fireplace is solid as is the black furniture ... the chairs and table as they are off the floor as such, look lighter, the fire surround and light furniture covers also are lighter so it's a nice balance. When I bought new sofas I chose ones with legs rather than the type that went to the floor and it made the room look much bigger and lighter. You need both light and heavy / new and old ... antique/vintage/older furniture that's 'lived' tends to ground a room and new furniture lightens it so a balance of both works well.

    Have fun, and remember to post after pictures!

    Marie McElroy thanked Stella Michael
  • 9 år siden
    What Stellahome said about the wallpaper & the raspberry color sofa. l would also extend the wallpaper onto both sides of the fireplace. I also think a pale pink sofa would be pretty if you really have to get a new one. I would change the area rug. Something soft and watercolory.
    Marie McElroy thanked mrskain1
  • PRO
    9 år siden

    [mrskain1[( we are on the same page. Watercolory rug sounds good. Not necessarily these, maybe something more abstract but something like these ...

    Marie McElroy thanked Stella Michael
  • 9 år siden
    Thought that extending wallpaper whole way across wall would be too much for a small space but maybe not.... Mrskain1 and Stella you have given me idea of changing rug, I spotted online which caught my eye - I love the colours in it which are similar to colours in my wallpaper. Will attach a photo of it
  • 9 år siden
    Sorry can't attach image but perhaps you may be able to access image via link below
    Image from
  • 9 år siden
    Apologies, my iPad playing up, hopefully image attached this time
    Image from

    Sent from my iPad
  • 9 år siden
    Can't figure out how to attach the picture from - rugs - Felicity FCT-8002 was what I had in mind.
  • PRO
    9 år siden

    [Marie McElroy[( I loooove the poppy rug, it's so vibrant and fun (I've attached it below) but it really clashes with your wallpaper which is quite traditional. I think the rug would work well if you had plain or more contemporary walls (not sure how attached you are to that wallpaper). Personally I would get the poppy rug and change the wallpaper or just paint that wall, (the curtains would still work) and it would make the room pop but it's not my house.

    [mrskain1[( we are still on the same page, yes I think your rug which I've also attached below (is that the one?) would be great for the room and exactly what I had in my mind too but couldn't find one ... and then get sofa/cushions etc to complement it. Or even keep the lovely raspberry sofa. As it is less defined than the contemporary one then is doesn't argue with the wallpaper but is in conversation with it and adds some interest to the room. You still need to see it in the flesh, greys/colours can still clash if not the right shades/tones etc.

  • PRO
    9 år siden

    [Marie McElroy[( if you do change the rug I suggest getting a much larger one ... at least big enough to have the front feet of the furniture on it but even bigger if you can. The bigger the rug the more generous the room feels. The impression of the size of the size of the room is affected by much more than just wall colours.

  • 8 år siden

    Your living room is lovely, and I don't think have much to do to make it feel right. I would add a simple, large mirror above the fireplace which will reflect light and be a little less busy. The corner to the right of the fireplace is dark. To address this problem in our north facing room, we placed a small, soft light giving lamp on the floor behind the armchair. Sounds odd but it acts as a back-light and lluminates that corner with a soft glow, its really cosy.


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