
Somewhere between before and after

Restoration and refurbishment of a distinctive and significant Grade II former Vicarage in the Strawberry Hill style.

The plans developed closely with our clients include reorganising the interior of the house and reinstating where appropriate historic openings and features bringing this beautiful property into modern day use whilst respecting it important past.

(5) kommentarer

  • PRO
    9 år siden

    What an amazing project, these windows are stunning! It must be such a pleasure to work on a property with such heritage. Would love to see the finished article... and if you're clients are looking for beds for their new home, do let us know!

  • PRO
    9 år siden

    The windows are stunning and the client is a delight and looking to complete the project to the highest standards. Great to be in now be in contact with you.

  • PRO
    9 år siden

    Sounds like the perfect restoration project! Glad to be in contact too, just had a look at some of your other projects... lovely work.

    Woodford Architecture and Interiors thanked Button & Sprung
  • PRO
    9 år siden

    The windows are absolutely amazing! They are already looked much loved by now. Would love to see the finished project. If you are looking for any old and charming accent pieces furniture/ornaments to complement these stunning windows, please let us know!

  • PRO
    9 år siden

    Such beautiful windows. Would love to see the finished project.


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