
Is it possible to get a sample of what the finish looks like?

8 år siden
48" Round Wood Dining Table, White Wash Finish · Mere information

(3) kommentarer

  • PRO
    8 år siden

    Hello jillkleeman,

    Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, we can send you a sample of the finish. For more information, please contact us directly and provide us with your details. You may find our contact information in the upper right hand corner of our profile page: http://www.houzz.com/pro/marcopoloimports/__public

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.



    Marco Polo Imports

  • PRO
    6 år siden

    I would like to order a sample but I can't find your contact info.

  • 6 år siden

    I can't find the location to order a wood sample. Can you send the link?


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