
Fire Place in Master or Dresser?

8 år siden

To put a fire place in the master or not? That is the big first world question I'm facing right now. We've always had a large dresser across from the bed with TV mounted over it. It's worked well, but since we will have more drawer space in the closets, I don't think we will necessarily need a dresser in the master now.... Is having 5 fire places an overkill?

(7) kommentarer

  • 8 år siden

    5 seems a bit much

  • 8 år siden

    That is exactly what we are thinking. I'm willing to take out other fire places, but the question still remains... do we put a fire place in the master?

  • 8 år siden

    @judi I think you are right! I'm sold. Thank you for the validation!

  • PRO
    8 år siden

    Why not? I say do it!

    User thanked Gray & Walter, Ltd.
  • 8 år siden
    Bedrooms are for sleeping or romance, not for TV!
  • PRO
    8 år siden

    Why worry about it? If YOU want it, do it. If YOU will use it- add it. Make the decision that works best for you. Sounds like you want it, so go for it!

    User thanked Sukenick Architecture, LLC

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