
Lovely set up! What brand is the glass pool fence and mini posts?

8 år siden
Luxaflex Roller Blinds · Mere information

(2) kommentarer

  • PRO
    8 år siden
    Sidst ændret: {last_modified_time}8 år siden

    The fence was supplied to our customer by PJ Pools (03 9792 4920). Unfortunately, the customer wasn't too sure about the exact details of the fence and mini posts but hopefully the supplier can provide more information for you!

  • 7 år siden

    It is quite understood that the area around the pool is usually moist and wet especially if the pool is regularly used for swimming. Therefore, any other material except for glass is not ideal for a pool fence. Traditionally, people also used wooden pool fencing, but they were not long lasting and durable since moisture causes the wood to rot.


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