
Ceiling board size?

7 år siden
Can you tell me what isthmus the ceiling boards are? Thanks
Beach Cottage Chic bedroom with Custom-Built in Office · Mere information

(7) kommentarer

  • PRO
    7 år siden


  • 7 år siden

    how did you whitewash the cedar? My house is currently covered in cedar and i have been told i couldn't whitewash it

  • PRO
    7 år siden

    Hi Andrea, we have masterful painters...and they layered their paint techniques

    (a several step process, as I recall)...so it does require expertise and it wasn't easy...

  • 5 år siden

    Hello Could you tell me the name of your painters?


  • PRO
    5 år siden

    Perez Brothers in Los Angeles.

  • PRO
    5 år siden

    Hi I am an artist and you can basically white wash anything! Thanks, Rebecca Both


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