
countertop help

5 år siden
Statuario Leonardo with white cabinets any thoughts? The brown board is the color of my dining table. Also have light grey wall colors.

(9) kommentarer

  • 5 år siden
    What are your floors? Usually, going with a dark-light-dark is failsafe, as is light-dark-light...but lots of folks do stuff outside the box and it works great. Depends how well the area is lit as well. The stone is gorgeous.
  • 5 år siden
    Thank you! Floors are light brown hard wood, there is lots of lighting. I will attach pictures of the house I’m closing on, however the color in there now is green it will be a light grey.
  • 5 år siden
    Bow window in front of the island
  • 5 år siden

    Paint the walls but don't alter the kitchen until time spent in the space reveals a priority list . I would not tear out the perfectly good counters that exist without also planning to replace those cabinets. This area had walls removed and a quick kitchen put in. No vent to the outside, no proper panels or cabinets around fridge, no base drawers. All done on the use it and plan something better in a year. The counters are the better part of what you have.

  • 5 år siden

    That's a big wall ... lots of gray you're bringing in. The stone strikes me as "cold"; when added to all that gray wall ... and the gray rug you already have (I like the rug) and the gray sofa. Even with all the natural light (which is nice), I think it's going to be a cold, drab space.

    What if you used a medium-dark blue on the walls? Might that bring in some warmth?

  • PRO
    5 år siden

    Hello, the worktop is gorgeous and very on trend right now. The 'Statuario' and 'Calcatta's' look stunning, they usually have a very subtle brown tinge around the edges of the grey veins, so this will tie in nicely with your dining table and flooring. Be brave and GO for it, will love to see the outcome. Thanks Spencer Marchand Kitchens

  • 5 år siden
    I have gray couches but this picture is of the home owners that are selling their house to us there will be a white rug down with very light gray walls so it’s not to dark also adding black stainless steel appliances and moving the fridge over to where the garbage is now and adding some cabinetry to where the fridge stands
  • 5 år siden

    These could be original cabinets. They’re identical to the ones my mom has in her 90s-built house.

    But I’m with herbflavor. Live in it a while

    before you change anything. And the counters seem from the photos to be in good shape and look good with the floor. I’d just paint first to get rid of the green and see how it feels.


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