
What is the name of the wallpaper? Thx!

5 år siden
Needham House Makeover · Mere information

(10) kommentarer

  • PRO
    5 år siden

    We would be happy to order it for you! If you could tell us how many rolls you would need we could create a quote for you. Thank you, Cheryl McCracken Interiors, Inc.

  • 5 år siden
    Is it possible to order a sample?
  • 5 år siden
    Thank you. Is this the correct email? I just noticed my email bounced back.
  • 5 år siden
    I adore this wall paper. What is the square footage of the roll and what is it made of? Can I order a sample?
  • PRO
    5 år siden

    ideaswh yes that is our email please try it again and we will look out for it! Thank you, Cheryl McCracken Interiors, Inc

  • 4 år siden

    What is the square footage per roll? This paper is perfect for my bath!

  • 3 år siden

    What color is the design? Beautiful.

  • 2 år siden


    Looking to order this wallpaper. I can email you but I don’t see the name to refer to?

  • PRO
    2 år siden

    Its a Zoffany wallpaper


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