
red brick livingroom

4 år siden

What style would be best for this space?
This is going to be a living room and it is part of an open space with the kitchen.The kitchen space is not in red brick. The space is around 50 m2 and I would like wooden floors and the ceiling changed (normal,white...not wood) maybe...
what do you think?

(2) kommentarer

  • 4 år siden

    Nice room!
    Iwould keep the red bricks, but tone down all other textures. That means replacing the wood ceiling with a clean, white seamless non-textured ceiling. +Replacing the floor tiles with either wood, concrete or epoxy (which would look amazing in this space)

    I would stain the loft beams a darker, richer wood color, and consider painting the window trims black - I think it would give more of a “New Yorker” loft vibe.

    If you absolutely hate the red bricks, you could paint them over (but keeping the texture underneath). Or plaster some of the walls and keep one or 2 as an accent wall.

    In any case - amazing space. Hope you do something awesome with it :)

  • 4 år siden

    Here’s what I mean about concrete or epoxy floor :)


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