
Could you please let me know what wood is used for the siding?

2 år siden

We are looking to have an Ipe deck and for the covered area ceiling trying to go with a wood that matches with Ipe (budget reasons trying to not use Ipe in the ceiling as well). In this picture the siding match really well, so knowing that would help with our options. Thank you

Sonoma in the City · Mere information

(2) kommentarer

  • PRO
    2 år siden

    Hello, all the wood in this image is ipe. Ipe siding, pergola, and decking. It was an investment but Our client decided to go for the uniform look and long-term durability Ipe. Wishing you the best of luck on your project! -dSPACE Studio

  • 2 år siden

    Thank you for responding quickly. I was afraid of that but that seems to be the best decision. Thanks


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