Energieffektive boliger i Forfar, Angus, UK.

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Udvalgte anmeldelser for Energieffektive boliger i Forfar, Angus, UK.

Architects Scotland Ltd.
Energieffektive boliger i Forfar, Angus, UK.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner21. januar 2020
“We have been delighted with the service from Architects Scotland. Paul managed to untangle our thoughts and present us with a really workable plan. He kept us informed of all the processes and was efficient and professional”
RKA Architectural Design Studio
Energieffektive boliger i Forfar, Angus, UK.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner28. maj 2020
“I've worked for RKA to help them develop some of their projects. I've to say they have great skills in proposing optional solutions, they come up with them fast, effectively solving problems. It has been inspiring to work with them, as they have the best ability to turn visions into actual action plans.”
Garry Adam Chartered Architect Ltd
Energieffektive boliger i Forfar, Angus, UK.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner2. november 2019
“Garry has a highly professional approach. He is responsive to and communicative with clients, and has enabled us to design and build the house we wanted, making it straightforward at every stage including managing the build for us.”
Lucas Dow Design Studios
Energieffektive boliger i Forfar, Angus, UK.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner22. juni 2018
“I contacted three builders about getting an estimate for a loft conversion and only one got back to me. He recommended a local architect and everything moved swiftly and smoothly from there. The design of the upgrade to my 1850s end terrace cottage grew hands and feet but was never allowed to go crazy because of the sensible heads in charge. The joiner/builder and architect complemented each other and I am left with a property, the beauty of which was summed up in one question put to me by the joiner. "Is there anything you would change?" I answered that there is nothing I would change. Everybody who has been here since has complemented the design. Early on the knowledge and experience was evident in abundance from Lucas Dow Design Studios. The vision of an architect is something you pay for. I maintain my position - I would not change anything. The inside, which is not shown in the photos provided, is the triumph.”
Arc Architects
Energieffektive boliger i Forfar, Angus, UK.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner1. maj 2016
“ARC are currently working with us, showing their typical technical expertise, depth of understanding, creativity and flair - all alongside a well-organised and proactive approach to their work that ensures each stage goes smoothly. I have worked with ARC many times - everyone at the practice combines a strong focus on their role, with a genuine interest in wider project issues; bringing ideas and commitment that play a crucial role in the success of each project. I always have complete confidence in their abilities - and enjoy working alongside them!”
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