Installation af belysning i Southampton, Hampshire, UK.

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Udvalgte anmeldelser for Installation af belysning i Southampton, Hampshire, UK.

Light My Space
Installation af belysning i Southampton, Hampshire, UK.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner30. juni 2017
“We were so happy with the solution that James found for our living area lightbulb problems that we asked him to give us some advice on the lighting for our new extension. He explained that some of our initial choices would interfere with our enjoyment of the space such as blocking the view to our garden in one direction and watching TV from another. He also suggested we go for some wall lights so we can read in the evenings. We are so happy with our new room and the lighting. It would have been expensive and inconvenient to make changes after the building work was completed.” Mr and Mrs L, Porton”
Led-Zip Lighting
Installation af belysning i Southampton, Hampshire, UK.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner2. januar 2019
“Led-Zip were excellent in providing me with advice and support in putting together an outside lighting solution for my garden. The result was beyond what I had originally expected. We are now able to enjoy spending time in our garden with different lighting scenerios thanks to Led-zip Lighting.”
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