Eksperter i byggematerialer i Gahanna, OH.

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Gahanna / 50 km
115 af 94 eksperter
94 eksperter

Udvalgte anmeldelser for Eksperter i byggematerialer i Gahanna, OH.

Hamilton Parker Company
Eksperter i byggematerialer i Gahanna, OH.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner6. februar 2013
“Hamilton Parker has a great selection of products. We have a lot of their tile on display in our showroom. Our favorite part about this company is their ability to service clients with all types of budgets & taste. Entry price point to high end-they can fit the bill. Our contacts with the company are absolutely fantastic to work with. Thanks to Lori, Amie, & Steve for being such great ambassadors to your company. We look forward to many years of working together!”
Eksperter i byggematerialer i Gahanna, OH.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner20. marts 2013
“I'm a General Contractor who uses Granite Tops and More on many of my remodeling projects. Our latest project together was the their best yet. The project included a detailed island using a high level stone. Everyone was very pleased with the final product. Granite Tops and More (as always) was very patience throughout the entire process from homeowner selection to installation. Once again, a very fine job! Keep it up!”
Eksperter i byggematerialer i Gahanna, OH.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner20. juni 2017
“I would like to compliment Palmer Donavin for their fantastic selection and sales representatives! I would especially like to commend our Rep. Dave Buck for always going above and beyond. Dave keeps our displays current with the latest trends and information. If I need flooring for my clients, I always look to Palmer Donavin to meet their needs!”
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