Eksperter i byggematerialer i New Castle County, DE.

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Wilmington / 50 km
115 af 84 eksperter
84 eksperter

Udvalgte anmeldelser for Eksperter i byggematerialer i New Castle County, DE.

Northern Roof Tiles
Eksperter i byggematerialer i New Castle County, DE.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner19. juli 2017
“I have worked with NRT for close to 20 years, as they have grown from a small organization offering a few roof tile options, to the industry leader in architecturally appropriate roof tiles. Stuart is a certified roof tile fanatic, and I learn more about roofing every time I work with him. He is a indispensible asset to anyone considering a roof tile project - either new work or a renovation.”
Elkton Supply
Eksperter i byggematerialer i New Castle County, DE.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner10. februar 2018
“ELKTON SUPPLY is an excellent-- even outstanding Hardware Supply Company. We cannot say enough about them -- and their customer service! We ordered a Cupola -- along with a weathervane, and it arrived in tact. However, upon prepping the cupola for the weathervane, the roofing company discovered that the main rod (a KEY piece that holds the weathervane on top of the cupola, allowing it to spin), was missing from the order! Well, while the crane operator sat idle (and it was costing us money for his services that day), we deduced what was needed to make it work, and I decided to run to ELKTON SUPPLY (10 minutes from our home) in hopes they could help -- and in a hurry! I informed one of the hardware experts there of our dilemma, and he quickly but confidently went into action. Although they did not have a weathervane rod 'lying around', he nevertheless improvised and found a comparable rod, then threaded it for a nut -- providing a special nut, as well in order to keep the rod from flying off in a windstorm. I thanked him profusely, jumped back in my car, and got back to the crane operator in a 30 minute flat trip. They installed the weathervane, and the Cupola went up without a hitch after that. But I would be remiss if we didn't mention that we were so grateful for ELKTON SUPPLY -- and the smart gentleman who improvised a solution for us under pressure. Every time we go there the service is SECOND TO NONE! Hardware stores like this are very difficult to find, in particular ones who have such a supply of items they hold in stock at all times. We can't say enough about Elkton Supply! They get 5 gold stars!”
World Class Supply
Eksperter i byggematerialer i New Castle County, DE.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner13. juli 2012
“I am lucky enough to be able to see the work of World Class Supply on a regular basis. It is always exceptionally well done and a beautiful example of the trade.”
Martell Hardware
Eksperter i byggematerialer i New Castle County, DE.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner15. december 2014
“Matt with Martell Hardware handled my cabinet hardware purchase (on-line) with ease and got me everything I needed on time. I needed an overnight delivery and he went above and beyond to ensure that delivery and kept me posted along the way - even calling to tell within minutes of my boxes being delivered. With such outstanding customer service and competitive pricing, I will be calling on Matt again as I complete my home renovation project. Thank you Matt!”
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