Kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere i Mechanicsville, VA.

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Udvalgte anmeldelser for Kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere i Mechanicsville, VA.

art to Di for
Kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere i Mechanicsville, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner24. marts 2013
“Diane Williams has the unique ability to transform ordinary walls, ceilings and floors into one of a kind works of art. Her knowledge is extensive and she attends training yearly to keep up with the latest on decorative painting.”
Grant Garmezy Glass
Kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere i Mechanicsville, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner1. marts 2013
“Grant Garmezy designs some of the most interesting glass sculptures I've ever seen. The juxtaposition of metallic substances with colored glass is truly remarkable. Fabulous work no matter where it's dispalyed!”
Sunny Goode Artist & Color Consultant
Kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere i Mechanicsville, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner9. marts 2015
“I always go to Sunny when I have a client looking for new artwork. She is easy to work with, professional and extremely talented!”
Stan Sweeney Art
Kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere i Mechanicsville, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner1. oktober 2013
“Stan's fine art is found in many private collections, one-man-shows, and numerous exhibits. He excels in the impressionist technique of brilliant color, impasto paint applications and, using his flair for design, draws the viewer into his vision of nature. He has shown successfully with the Virginia art community over many years. Bud Gordinier”
SMG Designs
Kunstnere og kunsthåndværkere i Mechanicsville, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner28. marts 2017
“Very professional renderings of exceptional quality, plus always and a pleasure to work with. SMG designs is extremely detail oriented and highly recommended!”
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