Eksperter i landskabs- & haveudstyr i Vallejo, CA.

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Udvalgte anmeldelser for Eksperter i landskabs- & haveudstyr i Vallejo, CA.

Blue Wagon Synthetic Turf Supply (East Bay)
Eksperter i landskabs- & haveudstyr i Vallejo, CA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner2. marts 2024
“We moved into a new home and sadly had to make the decision to remove the natural turf in our yard with artificial turf. The drainage was poor and our 3 dogs would have turned the yard and our house into a muddy disaster. Blue Wagon's crew was efficient, polite and courteous. Within 3 weeks, and it would have been less if it wasn't for some rain delays, we had our new yard and we couldn't be happier. The quality of work was first rate, the house stays clean, the dogs like it, and I must admit, because I was a skeptic at first, I even think it looks great”
A Silvestri Co
Eksperter i landskabs- & haveudstyr i Vallejo, CA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner18. januar 2013
“Cannot beat these fountains, which have been made for generations. Local. Lovely. We're big Silvestri fans and will continue to adorn our gardens with these classic, timeless pieces.”
Eksperter i landskabs- & haveudstyr i Vallejo, CA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner20. oktober 2020
“We installed the Biome living wall in September 2020. We feel in love at first sight, and have been growing more attached by the day. Taiga is a game-changer for any residential home, and provides so many upsides 1) Taiga’s hydroponic technology uses no soil, so there is no mess 2) Taiga thinks for itself by automating water, lighting and ventilation 3) Plug-and-Play installation and maintenance. We feel calm and nurtured in Taiga's presence and feel grateful that we can enjoy the great indoors. 2020 has been a rough year so Biome's living wall has helped restored some balance to our lives. The only question is where to put the next one.....”
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