Tagreparation i Mortdale, NSW, AU.

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63 eksperter

Udvalgte anmeldelser for Tagreparation i Mortdale, NSW, AU.

H&L Roofing Solutions
Tagreparation i Mortdale, NSW, AU.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner7. marts 2018
“Mark and his team at H & L Roofing have completed a number of roofs on our new home constructions and we couldn't be happier with the results achieved. Highly professional and experienced, H & L Roofing always carry out their roofing installations to the highest attention to detail. We thoroughly recommend H & L Roofing to anyone wishing to instal a new roof that will be built to the highest of standards. We look forward to continue working with H & L Roofing on further upcoming projects.”
Duravex Roofing
Tagreparation i Mortdale, NSW, AU.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner10. april 2023
“The roof has undergone an incredible transformation; it appears to be brand new. Dulux Acratex Roof Membrane has given the entire property a new extended life. The Duravex Roofing team was a fantastic, competent crew committed to achieving the greatest outcomes. The best thing crew replaced all the cracked and chipped old roof tiles. We unquestionably accomplished the complete Dulux Acratex Roof Restoration without any difficulty. Very pleased with the results of our new roof.”
Sydney Roof
Tagreparation i Mortdale, NSW, AU.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner22. juli 2017
“After getting about 5-6 other inspections and quotes, and being generally disappointed at the conflicting advice and prices we were being quoted, we cam across Sydney Roof. John came and inspected the roof, discuss ALL of the relevant issues with us and gave us a competitive quote based on a comprehensive scope of works. He knew his stuff. Then he delivered on time, the quality of the work was very good and no variations were requested. We were very impressed. Full marks for workmanship, timeliness and integrity. And no fuss!. We would recommend Sydney Roof to others any time. Frank & Monique Glebe”
Heritage Slate Roofing
Tagreparation i Mortdale, NSW, AU.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner8. september 2020
“We have worked with Kyle and his team, providing safe access platforms for his roof works. His workmanship is outstanding, his team is very professional and they have a great attitude to safety!”
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