33.051 Billeder af skandinavisk soveværelse

Dolores St II | Interior Design
Dolores St II | Interior Design
Erin Roberts DesignErin Roberts Design
Interior Design & Styling Erin Roberts | Photography Margaret Austin
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Brickell City Center
Brickell City Center
Interiors by Maite GrandaInteriors by Maite Granda
Feature In: Visit Miami Beach Magazine & Island Living A nice young couple contacted us from Brazil to decorate their newly acquired apartment. We schedule a meeting through Skype and from the very first moment we had a very good feeling this was going to be a nice project and people to work with. We exchanged some ideas, comments, images and we explained to them how we were used to worked with clients overseas and how important was to keep communication opened. They main concerned was to find a solution for a giant structure leaning column in the main room, as well as how to make the kitchen, dining and living room work together in one considerably small space with few dimensions. Whether it was a holiday home or a place to rent occasionally, the requirements were simple, Scandinavian style, accent colors and low investment, and so we did it. Once the proposal was signed, we got down to work and in two months the apartment was ready to welcome them with nice scented candles, flowers and delicious Mojitos from their spectacular view at the 41th floor of one of Miami's most modern and tallest building. Rolando Diaz Photography
Photos by Matthew Williams

33.051 Billeder af skandinavisk soveværelse

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