Oprydning i Ashburn, VA.

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Udvalgte anmeldelser for Oprydning i Ashburn, VA.

Leigh Newport Staged by Design®
Oprydning i Ashburn, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner6. juni 2012
“I loved working with Leigh in designing my home office. This is the most important room in the house to me, and I can be very particular about functionality. I wanted design help to make sure my emphasis on functionality actually looked good, too. Leigh was wonderful in learning what I liked and didn't like, and giving me the 'right' amount of options to choose from, starting with paint, fixtures, floorings, to furnishings. She understood what I was picky about, and worked patiently with me in that area, and for the other areas, she gave me options that looked good, matched my style, and made it easy for me to decide. And, she had great ideas for functionality in addition to design! I am very happy with my experience with Leigh.”
Room by Room Staging and Design
Oprydning i Ashburn, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner28. november 2016
“Room by Room Staging and Design and their team have demonstrated a superb eye for aesthetic design. From the quality of the furniture to the color schemes, the attention to detail and work ethic, McNair Bishop and Room by Room Staging and Design have surpassed our expectations. Great value and investment!”
Kelly Marino Designs
Oprydning i Ashburn, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner27. februar 2015
“Working in Real Estate for almost 20 years allows most agents to build a trusted vendor list. A list that rarely adds new talent to the network. Kelly Marino Designs was no where near my radar when my listing in Alexandria came to be, but I will say this without a doubt... it was her level of expertise, professionalism, and tireless work ethic that got this home into the beautiful show piece it is today....and under contract within 3 days!! If you haven't heard of Kelly, don't worry, you will. If you haven't used her before, I urge you not to waste any more time and HIRE HER IMMEDIATELY...The results are there and proven! She is now a friend and trusted advisor. I am supremely confident that you'll feel the same way.”
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