Specialfremstillede køkkenskabe i Ashburn, VA.

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Udvalgte anmeldelser for Specialfremstillede køkkenskabe i Ashburn, VA.

Fairfax Kitchen and Bath
Specialfremstillede køkkenskabe i Ashburn, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner22. maj 2015
“We chose Fairfax Kitchen Bath because they are a "one stop shop". You will also benefit from a company that puts the customer first. They will do whatever necessary to make your project a reality and to meet your expectations. They handle the design, project management, inspections, and all the labor for the projects. Their design gave us a great-looking kitchen, more storage, and more natural light. The project moved very smoothly and everything happened just as they said it would. Justin was our our project lead. He's completely reliable and a professional. Cabinets for our kitchen project were made by Schrock Cabinetry, tiles are from Best Tile.”
Bull Run Kitchen and Bath
Specialfremstillede køkkenskabe i Ashburn, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner3. december 2014
“Hakan was the project manager for our renovation. Each detail was explained thoroughly. I interviewed several home improvement companies in the northern Virginia area; none matched the knowledge of product information and costs of construction for completely renovating my kitchen. Architectural renditions were exact to specifications;no last-minute changes had to be made. Prior to the beginning of the renovation, costs and date of completion was discussed along with a time line dedicated to the selection of cabinets, floor, tiles, lighting fixtures etc. The crew assigned to my project were courteous, quick, clean and put materials away each day. I never had to worry about the rest of the house being a dust bowl or cleaning up foot prints. I would highly recommend Bull Run Kitchen and Bath.”
Dulles Kitchen and Bath
Specialfremstillede køkkenskabe i Ashburn, VA.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner9. juni 2014
“I was referred to Dulles kitchen and bath by a friend who had remodeled his bathroom not too long ago. We were impressed that he started and completed the job exactly on the agreed dates and within his quoted budget. The whole project only took two weeks from start to finish. He was always on time not only that his crew always showed up on time prepared and they worked hard to try to keep the work area as clean as possible. Throughout the process he was very responsive to our calls, questions, concerns and ideas. We highly recommend Dulles Kitchen and Bath to anyone doing a serious bathroom remodel. High quality work, and peace of mind at the start, during, and at the end of the project, and even after the project was finished.”
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