Ejendomsmæglere i Green, OH.

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Green / 50 km
115 af 156 eksperter

Udvalgte anmeldelser for Ejendomsmæglere i Green, OH.

Linda Rogers, Realtor
Ejendomsmæglere i Green, OH.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner14. juli 2015
“My husband and I met Linda Rogers for the first time on the front steps of the house that began our new home search journey. We should have guessed that her genuine warmth and welcome would make her a wonderful asset as our real estate agent. From that moment on, Linda displayed a sincere desire to match our needs and wants with the perfect fit in a home. From location, to price and amenities, she gave us great feedback as to what she felt we were looking for. She was very knowledgeable about geographical locations- understanding our desire to find something with good resale value. She worked tirelessly and enthusiastically with us to experience a wide range of showings. Frankly, we had a blast spending time with her and became very comfortable expressing our concerns and posing questions to learn what we didn't understand. If she didn't know the answer immediately, she always took the time to investigate and return to us with a prompt response. She never talked down to us or made us feel stupid or uncomfortable. She was always honest, respectful and highly professional. We sensed that it mattered to her that we found exactly what would make us happy- that it was more about us than about her "making a sale". We felt we had an advocate and that we had made a friend. Linda Rogers is a stellar human being and an excellent real estate professional!”
Hayes Realty
Ejendomsmæglere i Green, OH.
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner10. juli 2015
“Susan helped us purchase our first home. She kept us informed every step along the way, and was extremely easy to contact. At no time did we feel pressured to continue with the purchase if we were not comfortable, and we would recommend Susan without question.”
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