8.761 billeder af skandinavisk design og indretning

Simple and clean one bedroom apartment
Simple and clean one bedroom apartment
Maxim MaximovMaxim Maximov
На небольшом пространстве удалось уместить полноценную кухню с барной стойкой. Фартук отделан терраццо
Mike's Hammock
Mike's Hammock
Isla HomesIsla Homes
I built this on my property for my aging father who has some health issues. Handicap accessibility was a factor in design. His dream has always been to try retire to a cabin in the woods. This is what he got. It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath with a great room. It is 600 sqft of AC space. The footprint is 40' x 26' overall. The site was the former home of our pig pen. I only had to take 1 tree to make this work and I planted 3 in its place. The axis is set from root ball to root ball. The rear center is aligned with mean sunset and is visible across a wetland. The goal was to make the home feel like it was floating in the palms. The geometry had to simple and I didn't want it feeling heavy on the land so I cantilevered the structure beyond exposed foundation walls. My barn is nearby and it features old 1950's "S" corrugated metal panel walls. I used the same panel profile for my siding. I ran it vertical to math the barn, but also to balance the length of the structure and stretch the high point into the canopy, visually. The wood is all Southern Yellow Pine. This material came from clearing at the Babcock Ranch Development site. I ran it through the structure, end to end and horizontally, to create a seamless feel and to stretch the space. It worked. It feels MUCH bigger than it is. I milled the material to specific sizes in specific areas to create precise alignments. Floor starters align with base. Wall tops adjoin ceiling starters to create the illusion of a seamless board. All light fixtures, HVAC supports, cabinets, switches, outlets, are set specifically to wood joints. The front and rear porch wood has three different milling profiles so the hypotenuse on the ceilings, align with the walls, and yield an aligned deck board below. Yes, I over did it. It is spectacular in its detailing. That's the benefit of small spaces. Concrete counters and IKEA cabinets round out the conversation. For those who could not live in a tiny house, I offer the Tiny-ish House. Photos by Ryan Gamma Staging by iStage Homes Design assistance by Jimmy Thornton
Apartment with Bedroom in Boho Style
Apartment with Bedroom in Boho Style
Compact and functional bathroom in Scandinavian style. Classic white tiles mixed with the painted walls and terrazzo floor. Custom made fitted furniture.
Baño - Estado reformado
Baño - Estado reformado
Blanco Roto DesignBlanco Roto Design
Finalmente se optó por un lavabo de un solo seno para poder tener espacio para un cubo de ropa grande, ya que era importante para los clientes. Se ubicó el radiador toallero junto al lavabo y se realizó el alicatado en el mismo porcelánico efecto mármol tanto para las paredes como para el suelo, creando una sensación de amplitud y luminosidad. También se incluyeron focos empotrados de techo, se sustituyó la bañera por ducha, con una gran mampara con perfil en negro, al igual que las griferías y accesorios.
Reforma a Gràcia
Reforma a Gràcia
Parramon + Tahull arquitectesParramon + Tahull arquitectes
Zona menjador Constructor: Fórneas Guida SL Fotografia: Adrià Goula Studio Fotógrafa: Judith Casas
Warm Yellow Kitchen Tiles Backsplash
Warm Yellow Kitchen Tiles Backsplash
Fireclay TileFireclay Tile
Fireclay's handmade tiles are perfect for visually maximizing smaller spaces. For these condo dwellers, mustard yellow kitchen tiles along the backsplash infuse the space with warmth and charm. Tile Shown: 2x8 Tile in Mustard Seed DESIGN Taylor + Taylor Co PHOTOS Tiffany J. Photography
Nursery Book shelf
Nursery Book shelf
popix designspopix designs
Photos by Jessica Alexander
Après - nouvelle chambre parentale
Après - nouvelle chambre parentale
Escape StudioEscape Studio
Pour la chambre parentale, nous avons condamné un des placards pour en faire les nouvelles toilettes et créer un dressing sur mesure. Suivant mes conseils en décoration et choix des matériaux, les clients ont opté pour une ambiance douillette et naturelle. Crédit: Suzanne Phan - ESCAPE STUDIO
Mike's Hammock
Mike's Hammock
Isla HomesIsla Homes
I built this on my property for my aging father who has some health issues. Handicap accessibility was a factor in design. His dream has always been to try retire to a cabin in the woods. This is what he got. It is a 1 bedroom, 1 bath with a great room. It is 600 sqft of AC space. The footprint is 40' x 26' overall. The site was the former home of our pig pen. I only had to take 1 tree to make this work and I planted 3 in its place. The axis is set from root ball to root ball. The rear center is aligned with mean sunset and is visible across a wetland. The goal was to make the home feel like it was floating in the palms. The geometry had to simple and I didn't want it feeling heavy on the land so I cantilevered the structure beyond exposed foundation walls. My barn is nearby and it features old 1950's "S" corrugated metal panel walls. I used the same panel profile for my siding. I ran it vertical to math the barn, but also to balance the length of the structure and stretch the high point into the canopy, visually. The wood is all Southern Yellow Pine. This material came from clearing at the Babcock Ranch Development site. I ran it through the structure, end to end and horizontally, to create a seamless feel and to stretch the space. It worked. It feels MUCH bigger than it is. I milled the material to specific sizes in specific areas to create precise alignments. Floor starters align with base. Wall tops adjoin ceiling starters to create the illusion of a seamless board. All light fixtures, HVAC supports, cabinets, switches, outlets, are set specifically to wood joints. The front and rear porch wood has three different milling profiles so the hypotenuse on the ceilings, align with the walls, and yield an aligned deck board below. Yes, I over did it. It is spectacular in its detailing. That's the benefit of small spaces. Concrete counters and IKEA cabinets round out the conversation. For those who could not live in a tiny house, I offer the Tiny-ish House. Photos by Ryan Gamma Staging by iStage Homes Design assistance by Jimmy Thornton
The Light Box
The Light Box
Robert Miller FAIA ArchitectsRobert Miller FAIA Architects
Images by Nic LeHoux Designed as a home and studio for a photographer and his young family, Lightbox is located on a peninsula that extends south from British Columbia across the border to Point Roberts. The densely forested site lies beside a 180-acre park that overlooks the Strait of Georgia, the San Juan Islands and the Puget Sound. Having experienced the world from under a black focusing cloth and large format camera lens, the photographer has a special fondness for simplicity and an appreciation of unique, genuine and well-crafted details. The home was made decidedly modest, in size and means, with a building skin utilizing simple materials in a straightforward yet innovative configuration. The result is a structure crafted from affordable and common materials such as exposed wood two-bys that form the structural frame and directly support a prefabricated aluminum window system of standard glazing units uniformly sized to reduce the complexity and overall cost. Accessed from the west on a sloped boardwalk that bisects its two contrasting forms, the house sits lightly on the land above the forest floor. A south facing two-story glassy cage for living captures the sun and view as it celebrates the interplay of light and shadow in the forest. To the north, stairs are contained in a thin wooden box stained black with a traditional Finnish pine tar coating. Narrow apertures in the otherwise solid dark wooden wall sharply focus the vibrant cropped views of the old growth fir trees at the edge of the deep forest. Lightbox is an uncomplicated yet powerful gesture that enables one to view the subtlety and beauty of the site while providing comfort and pleasure in the constantly changing light of the forest.

8.761 billeder af skandinavisk design og indretning

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