Northwest Zen Bathroom
Northwest Zen Bathroom
G. Christianson Construction, Inc.G. Christianson Construction, Inc.
Dark stone, custom cherry cabinetry, misty forest wallpaper, and a luxurious soaker tub mix together to create this spectacular primary bathroom. These returning clients came to us with a vision to transform their builder-grade bathroom into a showpiece, inspired in part by the Japanese garden and forest surrounding their home. Our designer, Anna, incorporated several accessibility-friendly features into the bathroom design; a zero-clearance shower entrance, a tiled shower bench, stylish grab bars, and a wide ledge for transitioning into the soaking tub. Our master cabinet maker and finish carpenters collaborated to create the handmade tapered legs of the cherry cabinets, a custom mirror frame, and new wood trim.
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Bayside Zen Garden | Bayside, WI
Bayside Zen Garden | Bayside, WI
LandCrafters, LLCLandCrafters, LLC
Behind the Tea House is a traditional Japanese raked garden. After much research we used bagged poultry grit in the raked garden. It had the perfect texture for raking. Gray granite cobbles and fashionettes were used for the border. A custom designed bamboo fence encloses the rear yard.
A beautiful blend of Indian design with the contemporary furniture language. A bold colour palette of furniture stands out on the neutral background.
Arclain SpacesArclain Spaces
Living room interior desing in ahmedabad
Japandi Kitchen
Japandi Kitchen
Sustainable KitchensSustainable Kitchens
Blending the warmth and natural elements of Scandinavian design with Japanese minimalism. With true craftsmanship, the wooden doors paired with a bespoke oak handle showcases simple, functional design, contrasting against the bold dark green crittal doors and raw concrete Caesarstone worktop. The large double larder brings ample storage, essential for keeping the open-plan kitchen elegant and serene.
Meditative Healing Garden- Laurel Canyon
Meditative Healing Garden- Laurel Canyon
Ketti Kupper Conscious Life DesignKetti Kupper Conscious Life Design
Build out of the Meditation Hut next to the spa deck and gravel filled steps that lead into a recessed fire pit area. Photo by Ketti Kupper.
Aquatica True Ofuro Tranquility Heated Japanese Bathtub
Aquatica True Ofuro Tranquility Heated Japanese Bathtub
Aquatica Plumbing GroupAquatica Plumbing Group
One of the most important things for those of us who like enjoying a hot bath, is the water temperature. As time passes, the water temperature in your bathtub drops down and requires you to constantly be adding hot water to maintain the temperature, which in turn requires large capacity water boilers, wasting water and electricity. Made of state-of-the-art AquateX™ solid surface material, the Aquatica True Ofuro Japanese style bathtub with Tranquility bath heating system is fitted with a recirculation system (just like the traditional Japanese oidaki) and ozone disinfection system. The Tranquility bathtub heating system was designed to eliminate the hot water adding hassle and maintain the water temperature at a constant 104F /40C (41-45C in Europe and other markets). The built-in Tranquility heating system is utilizing a low flow/high-efficiency ultra-quiet pump. Equipped with minimalist control panel, a standard 1.5kW inline water heater (US) or 2kW (Europe and other markets) with ozone disinfection, Bluetooth audio system, and underwater LED сhromotherapy system, the Tranquility system provides the ultimate luxury bathing experience.
Custom Shoji Screens
Custom Shoji Screens
Groton TimberworksGroton Timberworks
custom shoji screen design to divide two interior spaces
Japanese Tea House
Japanese Tea House
Miriam's River House Designs, LLCMiriam's River House Designs, LLC
The location and placement of the Japanese Tea House is very specific and was based on mathematical, metaphysical and spiritual principles. This Tea House is an artistic version of an authentic style Tea House. It is meant to be a one of a kind art piece and yet has the functional capability of holding a traditional Tea ceremony. Photo credits: Dan Drobnick
Ponds & Waterfalls
Ponds & Waterfalls
Across the Pond AquascapesAcross the Pond Aquascapes
A properly installed, low maintenance, ecologically balanced work of art for you to enjoy everyday. Unlike many home improvement projects, a pond or pondless waterfall gets better with age - the fish grow, the plants mature and flower, and each passing season brings its own beauty.

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